Saturday, April 16, 2005

market power

questa storia che gli inglesi adorerebbero parlare del tempo e' so last week....
da giovedi', invece, e' ufficiale. finance is the new weather....
e intanto il DVD con le clip delle meravigliose previsioni del tempo di Jeremy Paxman e' gia' il nuovo oggetto culto del 2005.....

qui la deliziosa lettera di addio di Paxman al breve flirt di Newsnight con le weather forecasts....

A viewers' vote has concluded conclusively. As the Labour pugilist Stephen Pound would put it, "The people have spoken... The bastards."

As far as I recall this daily (markets) summary was introduced as result of one of John Birt's fiats around the time that he and his Armani-clad hordes fell upon the upper management of this organisation, brandishing copies of "How to be a Successful Billionaire" they had picked up in airport bookstalls.



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